Pancake Swap is a decentralized, non-custodial exchange based on Binance SmartChain (BSC) for exchange, profitable farming using tokens of the BEP-20 standard. At the moment, the platform allows the sale and purchase of tokens, placement of funds in liquidity pools, token farming, sale of prediction cards and lottery.
News about PancakeSwap
21 Nov 2022, 10:28
Для тех кто попросил перевод статьи о сотрудничестве с CELER.
Для тех кто попросил перевод статьи о сотрудничестве с CELER.https://link.medium.com/GXXcqGLm8ub Для тех кто попросил перевод статьи о сотрудничестве с CELER.
21 Nov 2022, 09:12
🔥 6,928,951 $CAKE just burned - that’s $26M!
💰 Trading fees (Swap and Perpetual): 277k CAKE ($1M) +69%
🔮 Prediction: 62k CAKE ($230k) +5%
🎟️ Lottery&Pottery: 30k CAKE ($110k) -22%
🔒 NFT Market, Profile & Factory: 1k CAKE ($3k) -39%
- - - - - - -
*% change from last week is in CAKE
🔥🔥🔥 Proof of burn:
6,928,951 $CAKE just burned - that's $26M. Trading fees (Swap and Perpetual): 277k CAKE ($1M) +69%.🔥 6,928,951 $CAKE just burned - that’s $26M!
💰 Trading fees (Swap and Perpetual): 277k CAKE ($1M) +69%
🔮 Prediction: 62k CAKE ($230k) +5%
🎟️ Lottery&Pottery: 30k CAKE ($110k) -22%
🔒 NFT Market, Profile & Factory: 1k CAKE ($3k) -39%
- - - - - - -
*% change from last week is in CAKE
🔥🔥🔥 Proof of burn: https://bscscan.com/tx/0x9dbbe2562ead0017f08b584e77d7b8c04f8bfe71dec97d47a66906edb7e566f4
17 Nov 2022, 19:39
Многие каналы предлагают купить скам-токен PELOY
Токен PELOY является мошенническим - так как после покупки, его невозможно продать.
Данный текст касается не только данного токена, но и многих других, которые распространяются по схеме, описанной ниже.
Если Вам в личные сообщения прилетает предложение купить «перспективную монету», то сразу блокируйте пользователя, который вам написал.
Как же опознать скам-токен?
Схема мошенников довольно проста и давно уже наработана: они спамят в ЛС всем пользователям DEX, и предлагают купить тот или иной «перспективный токен». Кроме того, зачастую они выкупают под эту схему крипто-каналы. Также мошенники часто оставляют «инструкцию по покупке для новичков».
И на данный момент в 99,99% случаев скам-токены из данной схемы не имеют ни сайтов, ни Twitter-аккаунта, ни канала в Telegram, Discord-чата, Guthub'a и так далее.
Всегда проверяйте проекты на наличие сайта и социальных сетей.
Будьте внимательны и изучайте проекты, в которые собираетесь инвестировать. Always DYOR.
Также поверяйте все токены до покупки на honeypot.is – сервис покажет есть ли у токена комиссии при покупке или продаже, и есть ли вообще возможность его продать.
Если Вам в личные сообщения пишет якобы администратор или поддержка, то также стазу блокируйте данного пользователя - т.к. в личные сообщения будут писать только мошенники. Зачастую они ставят аватарки и никнеймы как у администраторов в группе – будьте внимательны!
Если кто-либо в личных сообщениях будет предлагать продать данные токены – также блокируйте данного пользователя, так как это также мошенник. Деньги вернуть вы уже не сможете. Почему? Ответь ниже:
Pancakeswap - это Автоматизированный маркет-мейкер (AMM ) на BNBChain.
Любая команда/проект может добавить свой токен в различные пулы ликвидности, позволяющих обменивать криптоактивы, используя вместо книги ордеров алгоритм ценообразования автоматического маркет-мейкера (AMM).
Pancakeswap протокол для децентрализованного обмена токенами - команда не имеет контроля над токенами, прав администратора, прав управления LP, Factory, или даже Router'ом, который осуществляет обмен (биржевой контракт).
Всегда проводите анализ токена который вы хотите купить. DYOR.
Будьте аккуратнее! Удачи!
Многие каналы предлагают купить скам-токен PELOY.Многие каналы предлагают купить скам-токен PELOY
Токен PELOY является мошенническим - так как после покупки, его невозможно продать.
Данный текст касается не только данного токена, но и многих других, которые распространяются по схеме, описанной ниже.
Если Вам в личные сообщения прилетает предложение купить «перспективную монету», то сразу блокируйте пользователя, который вам написал.
Как же опознать скам-токен?
Схема мошенников довольно проста и давно уже наработана: они спамят в ЛС всем пользователям DEX, и предлагают купить тот или иной «перспективный токен». Кроме того, зачастую они выкупают под эту схему крипто-каналы. Также мошенники часто оставляют «инструкцию по покупке для новичков».
И на данный момент в 99,99% случаев скам-токены из данной схемы не имеют ни сайтов, ни Twitter-аккаунта, ни канала в Telegram, Discord-чата, Guthub'a и так далее.
Всегда проверяйте проекты на наличие сайта и социальных сетей.
Будьте внимательны и изучайте проекты, в которые собираетесь инвестировать. Always DYOR.
Также поверяйте все токены до покупки на honeypot.is – сервис покажет есть ли у токена комиссии при покупке или продаже, и есть ли вообще возможность его продать.
Если Вам в личные сообщения пишет якобы администратор или поддержка, то также стазу блокируйте данного пользователя - т.к. в личные сообщения будут писать только мошенники. Зачастую они ставят аватарки и никнеймы как у администраторов в группе – будьте внимательны!
Если кто-либо в личных сообщениях будет предлагать продать данные токены – также блокируйте данного пользователя, так как это также мошенник. Деньги вернуть вы уже не сможете. Почему? Ответь ниже:
Pancakeswap - это Автоматизированный маркет-мейкер (AMM ) на BNBChain.
Любая команда/проект может добавить свой токен в различные пулы ликвидности, позволяющих обменивать криптоактивы, используя вместо книги ордеров алгоритм ценообразования автоматического маркет-мейкера (AMM).
Pancakeswap протокол для децентрализованного обмена токенами - команда не имеет контроля над токенами, прав администратора, прав управления LP, Factory, или даже Router'ом, который осуществляет обмен (биржевой контракт).
Всегда проводите анализ токена который вы хотите купить. DYOR.
Будьте аккуратнее! Удачи!
16 Nov 2022, 14:21
🫡 Attention: Aptos Trading Pairs!
🥞 Ahead of our deployment of incentivized Farms,
MEE-APT (@meeiro_announcements) is now available to trade!
🐰 More pairs and CAKE incentives to follow!
👇 Project details below:
👁️ Meeiro is a user-driven IDO launchpad on Aptos connecting retail investors and projects.
Join the Convo:
Learn more: linktr.ee/meeiro.xyz
👉 Trade now: http://aptos.pancakeswap.finance
Attention: Aptos Trading Pairs. Ahead of our deployment of incentivized Farms,.🫡 Attention: Aptos Trading Pairs!
🥞 Ahead of our deployment of incentivized Farms,
MEE-APT (@meeiro_announcements) is now available to trade!
🐰 More pairs and CAKE incentives to follow!
👇 Project details below:
👁️ Meeiro is a user-driven IDO launchpad on Aptos connecting retail investors and projects.
Join the Convo: https://discord.com/invite/meeiroxyz
Learn more: linktr.ee/meeiro.xyz
👉 Trade now: http://aptos.pancakeswap.finance
14 Nov 2022, 15:07
🎉 The MoonPets dynamic #NFT collection by @moonpets_nft is now LIVE for trading on PancakeSwap NFT Market!
🌙🐕🐩🦮👉 https://pancakeswap.finance/nfts/collections/0xE32aE22Ec60E21980247B4bDAA16E9AEa265F919
The MoonPets dynamic #NFT collection by @moonpets_nft is now LIVE for trading on PancakeSwap NFT Market.🎉 The MoonPets dynamic #NFT collection by @moonpets_nft is now LIVE for trading on PancakeSwap NFT Market!
🌙🐕🐩🦮👉 https://pancakeswap.finance/nfts/collections/0xE32aE22Ec60E21980247B4bDAA16E9AEa265F919
14 Nov 2022, 11:27
We are beyond thrilled with our partnership with @CelerNetwork.
Last month, we launched Cross-chain farming through their inter-chain messaging , with this users can provide liquidity to pancakeswap and harvest CAKE on BNB Chain.
Click here to start trading 👉🏾
We also worked together to launch Celer bridge tokens on our Aptos which include APT-USDC, WETH-USDC, USDT-USDC, and BNB-USDC
To read more about this partnership, click here👉🏾
We are beyond thrilled with our partnership with @CelerNetwork.We are beyond thrilled with our partnership with @CelerNetwork.
Last month, we launched Cross-chain farming through their inter-chain messaging , with this users can provide liquidity to pancakeswap and harvest CAKE on BNB Chain.
Click here to start trading 👉🏾 https://bit.ly/3UVwj2U
We also worked together to launch Celer bridge tokens on our Aptos which include APT-USDC, WETH-USDC, USDT-USDC, and BNB-USDC
To read more about this partnership, click here👉🏾 https://bit.ly/3UPBeCA
14 Nov 2022, 08:27
🔥 6,871,565 $CAKE just burned - that’s $27M!
💰 Trading fees (Swap and Perpetual): 164k CAKE ($652k) -24%
🔮 Prediction: 59k CAKE ($236k) +0%
🎟️ Lottery&Pottery: 38k CAKE ($152k) +25%
🔒 NFT Market, Profile & Factory: 1k CAKE ($5k) +69%
🔨 Auction: 7k CAKE ($28k) -50%
- - - - - - -
*% change from last week is in CAKE
🔥🔥🔥 Proof of burn:
6,871,565 $CAKE just burned - that's $27M. Trading fees (Swap and Perpetual): 164k CAKE ($652k) -24%.🔥 6,871,565 $CAKE just burned - that’s $27M!
💰 Trading fees (Swap and Perpetual): 164k CAKE ($652k) -24%
🔮 Prediction: 59k CAKE ($236k) +0%
🎟️ Lottery&Pottery: 38k CAKE ($152k) +25%
🔒 NFT Market, Profile & Factory: 1k CAKE ($5k) +69%
🔨 Auction: 7k CAKE ($28k) -50%
- - - - - - -
*% change from last week is in CAKE
🔥🔥🔥 Proof of burn:
10 Nov 2022, 14:24
Hola! Este es un canal para hablar de precios, enviar sus gráficos y temas relacionados. Por favor, evitar caer en Fud/fomo innecesario
Este es un canal para hablar de precios, enviar sus gráficos y temas relacionados.Hola! Este es un canal para hablar de precios, enviar sus gráficos y temas relacionados. Por favor, evitar caer en Fud/fomo innecesario
10 Nov 2022, 08:54
🥳 Felicidades al súper AFORTUNADO ganador de la Lotería con una ganancia de 9.457 CAKE, eso es ~$40.000 🤑💰
👉 ¿Quieres probar la lotería PancakeSwap? Obten su boleto con $5 CAKE y juegue ahora: https://pancakeswap.finance/lottery
📚 ¿Aprende más sobre cómo funciona la Lotería? https://docs.pancakeswap.finance/products/lottery
Felicidades al súper AFORTUNADO ganador de la Lotería con una ganancia de 9. 457 CAKE, eso es ~$40.🥳 Felicidades al súper AFORTUNADO ganador de la Lotería con una ganancia de 9.457 CAKE, eso es ~$40.000 🤑💰
👉 ¿Quieres probar la lotería PancakeSwap? Obten su boleto con $5 CAKE y juegue ahora: https://pancakeswap.finance/lottery
📚 ¿Aprende más sobre cómo funciona la Lotería? https://docs.pancakeswap.finance/products/lottery
10 Nov 2022, 05:26
🥳 Congratulations to the super LUCKY winner of the Lottery with a winning of 9,457 CAKE, that's ~$40,000 🤑💰
👉 Wanna try PancakeSwap Lottery? Grab your ticket with $5 CAKE and Play now: https://pancakeswap.finance/lottery
📚 Learn more about how Lottery works? https://docs.pancakeswap.finance/products/lottery
Congratulations to the super LUCKY winner of the Lottery with a winning of 9,457 CAKE, that's ~$40,000.🥳 Congratulations to the super LUCKY winner of the Lottery with a winning of 9,457 CAKE, that's ~$40,000 🤑💰
👉 Wanna try PancakeSwap Lottery? Grab your ticket with $5 CAKE and Play now: https://pancakeswap.finance/lottery
📚 Learn more about how Lottery works? https://docs.pancakeswap.finance/products/lottery
09 Nov 2022, 19:41
🐰 Recap de octubre de PancakeSwap
😎 ¿Quieres saber qué hicimos en la cocina este último mes?.
👉Lea todo sobre esto aquí ➡️https://bit.ly/3fSiGmq
Recap de octubre de PancakeSwap. ¿Quieres saber qué hicimos en la cocina este último mes. Lea todo sobre esto aquí.🐰 Recap de octubre de PancakeSwap
😎 ¿Quieres saber qué hicimos en la cocina este último mes?.
👉Lea todo sobre esto aquí ➡️https://bit.ly/3fSiGmq
09 Nov 2022, 14:08
🥞🔨 SOLD!! 7,000 CAKE has been added to the weekly BURN!
Congratulations to XCAD Network, the winner of the 33rd community Farm Auctions!
The $XCAD-BUSD farm will be going live for 10 days at 1x multiplier, within 48 hours.
Please note: We use our best efforts to curate projects for community farm auctions. As with any investment decision, please proceed with caution and add liquidity at your own risk.
7,000 CAKE has been added to the weekly BURN. Congratulations to XCAD Network, the winner of the 33rd community Farm Auctions.🥞🔨 SOLD!! 7,000 CAKE has been added to the weekly BURN!
Congratulations to XCAD Network, the winner of the 33rd community Farm Auctions!
The $XCAD-BUSD farm will be going live for 10 days at 1x multiplier, within 48 hours.
Please note: We use our best efforts to curate projects for community farm auctions. As with any investment decision, please proceed with caution and add liquidity at your own risk.
09 Nov 2022, 13:03
🔨🥞 Farm Auction #33 starting now!
25 projects join the bidding for Farms this week, bidding $CAKE to win.
Watch the auction in progress:
👉 https://pancakeswap.finance/farms/auction
Please note: A project being whitelisted for participation in an auction by PancakeSwap is not an endorsement or recommendation.
Farm Auction #33 starting now. 25 projects join the bidding for Farms this week, bidding $CAKE to win.🔨🥞 Farm Auction #33 starting now!
25 projects join the bidding for Farms this week, bidding $CAKE to win.
Watch the auction in progress:
👉 https://pancakeswap.finance/farms/auction
Please note: A project being whitelisted for participation in an auction by PancakeSwap is not an endorsement or recommendation.
09 Nov 2022, 11:08
The $XCAD Farm and Syrup Pool are now live!
👉 $XCAD-CAKE Farm:
👉 Stake $CAKE, Earn XCAD:
APR will drop as liquidity increases.
The $XCAD Farm and Syrup Pool are now live. $XCAD-CAKE Farm:. Stake $CAKE, Earn XCAD:. APR will drop as liquidity increases.The $XCAD Farm and Syrup Pool are now live!
👉 $XCAD-CAKE Farm:
👉 Stake $CAKE, Earn XCAD:
APR will drop as liquidity increases.
09 Nov 2022, 09:45
🫡 ¡Atención: Nuevos pares en Aptos!
🥞 Antes de nuestro deploy de Farms incentivados, ¡stAPT-USDC ahora está disponible para hacer swap!
🐰 ¡Más pares e incentivos de CAKE en breve!
👇 Detalles del proyecto a continuación:
Ditto Finance es una plataforma de participación líquida en Aptos. Los usuarios pueden apostar su token Aptos para obtener rendimiento mientras se mantienen líquidos.
📚 Obtenga más información:
¡Atención: Nuevos pares en Aptos.🫡 ¡Atención: Nuevos pares en Aptos!
🥞 Antes de nuestro deploy de Farms incentivados, ¡stAPT-USDC ahora está disponible para hacer swap!
🐰 ¡Más pares e incentivos de CAKE en breve!
👇 Detalles del proyecto a continuación:
Ditto Finance es una plataforma de participación líquida en Aptos. Los usuarios pueden apostar su token Aptos para obtener rendimiento mientras se mantienen líquidos.
📚 Obtenga más información: https://dittofinance.gitbook.io/docs/
09 Nov 2022, 07:45
🫡 Attention: Aptos Trading Pairs!
🥞 Ahead of our deployment of incentivized Farms, stAPT-USDC is now available to trade!
🐰 More pairs and CAKE incentives to follow!
👇 Project details below:
Ditto Finance is a liquid staking platform on Aptos. Users can stake their Aptos token to earn yield while staying liquid.
📚 Learn more:
👉 Trade now: http://aptos.pancakeswap.finance
Attention: Aptos Trading Pairs. Ahead of our deployment of incentivized Farms, stAPT-USDC is now available to trade.🫡 Attention: Aptos Trading Pairs!
🥞 Ahead of our deployment of incentivized Farms, stAPT-USDC is now available to trade!
🐰 More pairs and CAKE incentives to follow!
👇 Project details below:
Ditto Finance is a liquid staking platform on Aptos. Users can stake their Aptos token to earn yield while staying liquid.
📚 Learn more: https://dittofinance.gitbook.io/docs/
👉 Trade now: http://aptos.pancakeswap.finance
09 Nov 2022, 02:30
🔨🥞 La próxima subasta de Farm estará en vivo el 9 de Noviembre a las 13:00 UTC!
Si eres un proyecto buscando un impulso de liquidez vía farm en Pancakeswap, llena el formulario para la inclusion en la lista de la Subasta de Farm de la comunidad! ⬇️
La próxima subasta de Farm estará en vivo el 9 de Noviembre a las 13:00 UTC.🔨🥞 La próxima subasta de Farm estará en vivo el 9 de Noviembre a las 13:00 UTC!
Si eres un proyecto buscando un impulso de liquidez vía farm en Pancakeswap, llena el formulario para la inclusion en la lista de la Subasta de Farm de la comunidad! ⬇️
08 Nov 2022, 23:11
проделанная работа за Октябрь
Русская версия
проделанная работа за Октябрь. Русская версия.проделанная работа за Октябрь
https://link.medium.com/Omr8b3FHOub Русская версия
08 Nov 2022, 19:07
🔨🥞 The next Farm Auction is going live on 9 November at 13:00 UTC!
If you’re a project looking to boost liquidity on PancakeSwap via a farm, use the form to apply for whitelisting in the community Farm Auctions! ⬇️
The next Farm Auction is going live on 9 November at 13:00 UTC.🔨🥞 The next Farm Auction is going live on 9 November at 13:00 UTC!
If you’re a project looking to boost liquidity on PancakeSwap via a farm, use the form to apply for whitelisting in the community Farm Auctions! ⬇️
08 Nov 2022, 14:38
🐰 PancakeSwap October Roundup
😎 Want to know what we got up to in the kitchen this past month?.
👉Read all about it here ➡️https://bit.ly/3tdZwuk
PancakeSwap October Roundup. Want to know what we got up to in the kitchen this past month. Read all about it here.🐰 PancakeSwap October Roundup
😎 Want to know what we got up to in the kitchen this past month?.
👉Read all about it here ➡️https://bit.ly/3tdZwuk
08 Nov 2022, 10:01
on this proposal to welcome XCAD Network (@xcademy) to Syrup Pool and Farm!
Stake $CAKE to earn $XCAD!
Stake $XCAD-CAKE LP to earn $CAKE!
🗳 Vote FOR FREE on the proposal: https://pancakeswap.finance/voting/proposal/0x52c0f132f0bdbd3363dd36122a36fc8d184e373e695db897a34ee382fd977f54
VOTE FOR FREE. on this proposal to welcome XCAD Network (@xcademy) to Syrup Pool and Farm. Stake $CAKE to earn $XCAD.✨VOTE FOR FREE ✨
on this proposal to welcome XCAD Network (@xcademy) to Syrup Pool and Farm!
Stake $CAKE to earn $XCAD!
Stake $XCAD-CAKE LP to earn $CAKE!
🗳 Vote FOR FREE on the proposal: https://pancakeswap.finance/voting/proposal/0x52c0f132f0bdbd3363dd36122a36fc8d184e373e695db897a34ee382fd977f54
07 Nov 2022, 06:09
🔥 6,839,989 $CAKE just burned - that’s $33M!
💰 Trading fees (Swap and Perpetual): 214k CAKE ($1M) +38%
🔮 Prediction: 59k CAKE ($283k) +8%
🎟️ Lottery&Pottery: 30k CAKE ($146k) -29%
🔒 NFT Market, Profile & Factory: 1k CAKE ($4k) -61%
*% change from last week is in CAKE
🔥🔥🔥 Proof of burn:
6,839,989 $CAKE just burned - that's $33M. Trading fees (Swap and Perpetual): 214k CAKE ($1M) +38%.🔥 6,839,989 $CAKE just burned - that’s $33M!
💰 Trading fees (Swap and Perpetual): 214k CAKE ($1M) +38%
🔮 Prediction: 59k CAKE ($283k) +8%
🎟️ Lottery&Pottery: 30k CAKE ($146k) -29%
🔒 NFT Market, Profile & Factory: 1k CAKE ($4k) -61%
*% change from last week is in CAKE
🔥🔥🔥 Proof of burn:
05 Nov 2022, 11:13
🍯 A new cohort of the Pottery is now open! 🎟️
⏰ Deposit before the lock time on Nov 7 23:59 UTC to participate.
🔥 Play now: https://pancakeswap.finance/pottery
👉 Please make sure you understand all the rules and risks before depositing, Learn more: 📚 https://docs.pancakeswap.finance/products/pottery
A new cohort of the Pottery is now open. Deposit before the lock time on Nov 7 23:59 UTC to participate. Play now:.🍯 A new cohort of the Pottery is now open! 🎟️
⏰ Deposit before the lock time on Nov 7 23:59 UTC to participate.
🔥 Play now: https://pancakeswap.finance/pottery
👉 Please make sure you understand all the rules and risks before depositing, Learn more: 📚 https://docs.pancakeswap.finance/products/pottery
04 Nov 2022, 09:55
🔨🥞 The next Farm Auction is going live on 9 November!
If you're a project looking to boost liquidity on PancakeSwap via a farm, use the form to apply for whitelisting in the community Farm Auctions! ⬇️
The next Farm Auction is going live on 9 November.🔨🥞 The next Farm Auction is going live on 9 November!
If you're a project looking to boost liquidity on PancakeSwap via a farm, use the form to apply for whitelisting in the community Farm Auctions! ⬇️
03 Nov 2022, 13:11
Внимание скам! Токен не продается, ето фальшивка
Внимание скам. Токен не продается, ето фальшивка.Внимание скам! Токен не продается, ето фальшивка
03 Nov 2022, 08:01
🫡 Attention: Aptos Trading Pairs!
🥞 Ahead of our deployment of incentivized Farms, MOJO-APT (Mojito Markets) is now available to trade!
👉 Trade now: http://aptos.pancakeswap.finance
🐰 More pairs and CAKE incentives to follow!
👇 Project details below:
🍸 Mojito Markets is a decentralized exchange and prediction market on Aptos. MOJO holders benefit from governance, and transaction and liquidity staking rewards.
Join the Convo:
Learn more:
Attention: Aptos Trading Pairs.🫡 Attention: Aptos Trading Pairs!
🥞 Ahead of our deployment of incentivized Farms, MOJO-APT (Mojito Markets) is now available to trade!
👉 Trade now: http://aptos.pancakeswap.finance
🐰 More pairs and CAKE incentives to follow!
👇 Project details below:
🍸 Mojito Markets is a decentralized exchange and prediction market on Aptos. MOJO holders benefit from governance, and transaction and liquidity staking rewards.
Join the Convo: https://t.me/MojitoMarketsChat
Learn more: https://linktr.ee/mojito.markets
02 Nov 2022, 10:24
🧐 Missed the last AMA with the Aptos?
👉 Check out the AMA recap to learn more about the Aptos and also about the PCS deployment to Aptos:
🐰 PS: PancakeSwap is live on Aptos; Swap here: http://aptos.pancakeswap.finance
🤫 Soon PCS Farm, Pool, and IFO on Aptos
Missed the last AMA with the Aptos.🧐 Missed the last AMA with the Aptos?
👉 Check out the AMA recap to learn more about the Aptos and also about the PCS deployment to Aptos: https://bit.ly/3Dt3pQH
🐰 PS: PancakeSwap is live on Aptos; Swap here: http://aptos.pancakeswap.finance
🤫 Soon PCS Farm, Pool, and IFO on Aptos
01 Nov 2022, 13:42
🥞🔍🥞 PancakeSwap CAKE Hunt Contest
Name the 5 places CAKE is placed in this image and with hashtag #PCSAptosCAKEhunt
🎁 10 random lucky users will share a $500 prize pool
👉 Winners will be announced on 9th Nov 2022
To participate, click here 👉
PancakeSwap CAKE Hunt Contest. Name the 5 places CAKE is placed in this image and with hashtag #PCSAptosCAKEhunt.🥞🔍🥞 PancakeSwap CAKE Hunt Contest
Name the 5 places CAKE is placed in this image and with hashtag #PCSAptosCAKEhunt
🎁 10 random lucky users will share a $500 prize pool
👉 Winners will be announced on 9th Nov 2022
To participate, click here 👉 https://bit.ly/3zvuXUw
01 Nov 2022, 12:19
🫡 Attention: Aptos Trading Pairs!
🥞 Ahead of our deployment of incentivized Farms, LayerZero assets are now tradeable on PancakeSwap Aptos:
🐰 More pairs and CAKE incentives to follow!
👉 Trade now: aptos.pancakeswap.finance
Attention: Aptos Trading Pairs.🫡 Attention: Aptos Trading Pairs!
🥞 Ahead of our deployment of incentivized Farms, LayerZero assets are now tradeable on PancakeSwap Aptos:
🐰 More pairs and CAKE incentives to follow!
👉 Trade now: aptos.pancakeswap.finance
31 Oct 2022, 14:31
🐧 Final Day of 7️⃣- day Week of Magpie: Vote locked MGP
Lock MGP and get vlMGP at 1:1 ratio. Read the original tweet to learn more
✅ Complete all the tasks on Galxe and mint the OAT before 1 Nov, 14:00 UTC:
🎁 200 lucky users will share $1,000 BUSD
Final Day of - day Week of Magpie: Vote locked MGP. Lock MGP and get vlMGP at 1:1 ratio. Read the original tweet to learn more.🐧 Final Day of 7️⃣- day Week of Magpie: Vote locked MGP
Lock MGP and get vlMGP at 1:1 ratio. Read the original tweet to learn more
✅ Complete all the tasks on Galxe and mint the OAT before 1 Nov, 14:00 UTC: https://galxe.com/magpiexyz/campaign/GCrewUw79d
🎁 200 lucky users will share $1,000 BUSD
31 Oct 2022, 12:07
⏰ Join us in less than 1 hour with HC at 1 PM UTC for an AMA with Aptos.
🫂 HC- Aptos ecosystem lead will discuss more about the Aptos and answer the community questions.
👉 Set your reminder so you don't miss it:
Join us in less than 1 hour with HC at 1 PM UTC for an AMA with Aptos.⏰ Join us in less than 1 hour with HC at 1 PM UTC for an AMA with Aptos.
🫂 HC- Aptos ecosystem lead will discuss more about the Aptos and answer the community questions.
👉 Set your reminder so you don't miss it: https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1vOxwMzzypPGB
31 Oct 2022, 09:33
🔥 6,763,735 $CAKE just burned - that’s $31M!
💰 Trading fees (Swap and Perpetual): 156k CAKE ($724k) +38%
🔮 Prediction: 55k CAKE ($255k) -0%
🎟️ Lottery&Pottery: 43k CAKE ($200k) +42%
🔒 NFT Market, Profile & Factory: 2k CAKE ($9k) -8%
🛍 IFO: 12k CAKE ($58k)
*% change from last week is in CAKE
🔥🔥🔥 Proof of burn:
6,763,735 $CAKE just burned - that's $31M. Trading fees (Swap and Perpetual): 156k CAKE ($724k) +38%.🔥 6,763,735 $CAKE just burned - that’s $31M!
💰 Trading fees (Swap and Perpetual): 156k CAKE ($724k) +38%
🔮 Prediction: 55k CAKE ($255k) -0%
🎟️ Lottery&Pottery: 43k CAKE ($200k) +42%
🔒 NFT Market, Profile & Factory: 2k CAKE ($9k) -8%
🛍 IFO: 12k CAKE ($58k)
*% change from last week is in CAKE
🔥🔥🔥 Proof of burn:
29 Oct 2022, 19:34
🐧 Día 5️⃣ de 7️⃣- día Semana de Magpie: La minería de liquidez está disponible
$MGP Minería de liquidez está disponible: magpiexyz.io/stake
🔁 RT el tuit original y mintea el OAT de la semana IFO en Galxe ⬇️
🎁 200 usuarios afortunados compartirán $ 1,000 BUSD en premios
Día de - día Semana de Magpie: La minería de liquidez está disponible. $MGP Minería de liquidez está disponible: magpiexyz.🐧 Día 5️⃣ de 7️⃣- día Semana de Magpie: La minería de liquidez está disponible
$MGP Minería de liquidez está disponible: magpiexyz.io/stake
🔁 RT el tuit original y mintea el OAT de la semana IFO en Galxe ⬇️
🎁 200 usuarios afortunados compartirán $ 1,000 BUSD en premios
29 Oct 2022, 19:15
🐧 Day 5️⃣ of 7️⃣- day Week of Magpie: Liquidity mining is live
$MGP Liquidity Mining is live: magpiexyz.io/stake
🔁 Retweet the original tweet and mint the IFO week OAT on Galxe ⬇️
🎁200 lucky users will share $1,000 BUSD
Day of - day Week of Magpie: Liquidity mining is live. $MGP Liquidity Mining is live: magpiexyz. io/stake.🐧 Day 5️⃣ of 7️⃣- day Week of Magpie: Liquidity mining is live
$MGP Liquidity Mining is live: magpiexyz.io/stake
🔁 Retweet the original tweet and mint the IFO week OAT on Galxe ⬇️
🎁200 lucky users will share $1,000 BUSD
28 Oct 2022, 14:03
🐰📣🐰 Unete a nosotros al AMA con el equipo de APTOS
⏰ 31 Oct 13:00 UTC
📍 Twitter Space en @PancakeSwap
🗨️ HC - Los Lideres del ecosistema APTOS se unen a nosotros para hablar mas acerca del ecosistema APTOS y responder preguntas de la comunidad
Escribe tu pregunta con el hashtag #PancakeAMA en este hilo de twitter
O envíe su pregunta a este Google form:
Unete a nosotros al AMA con el equipo de APTOS. 31 Oct 13:00 UTC. Twitter Space en @PancakeSwap.🐰📣🐰 Unete a nosotros al AMA con el equipo de APTOS
⏰ 31 Oct 13:00 UTC
📍 Twitter Space en @PancakeSwap
🗨️ HC - Los Lideres del ecosistema APTOS se unen a nosotros para hablar mas acerca del ecosistema APTOS y responder preguntas de la comunidad
Escribe tu pregunta con el hashtag #PancakeAMA en este hilo de twitter
O envíe su pregunta a este Google form: https://forms.gle/Pk35sEmTxe28dFfe6
28 Oct 2022, 12:00
📣 Propuesta para la confirmación de emisión de Farm de PCS's sobre Ethereum
Los Chefs han estado monitoreando los niveles de liquidez sobre los pools en Ethereum. Basado sobre el despliegue inicial, proponemos confirmar los multiplicadores actuales de los farm.
👉 ¡Lea la propuesta y Vote sin costo, gratis!:
Propuesta para la confirmación de emisión de Farm de PCS's sobre Ethereum.📣 Propuesta para la confirmación de emisión de Farm de PCS's sobre Ethereum
Los Chefs han estado monitoreando los niveles de liquidez sobre los pools en Ethereum. Basado sobre el despliegue inicial, proponemos confirmar los multiplicadores actuales de los farm.
👉 ¡Lea la propuesta y Vote sin costo, gratis!: https://bit.ly/3zoneYa
28 Oct 2022, 11:12
📣 Proposal for PCS's farm emissions confirmation on Ethereum
Chefs have been monitoring the liquidity levels on Ethereum pools. Based on the initial deployment, we propose to confirm the current farm multipliers.
👉 Read the proposal and Vote for Free:
Proposal for PCS's farm emissions confirmation on Ethereum. Chefs have been monitoring the liquidity levels on Ethereum pools.📣 Proposal for PCS's farm emissions confirmation on Ethereum
Chefs have been monitoring the liquidity levels on Ethereum pools. Based on the initial deployment, we propose to confirm the current farm multipliers.
👉 Read the proposal and Vote for Free: https://bit.ly/3zoneYa
28 Oct 2022, 10:10
🐰📣🐰 Join us for an AMA with the Aptos team
⏰ 31 Oct 01:00 PM UTC
📍 Twitter Space on @PancakeSwap
🗨️ HC - Aptos ecosystem lead will join us to discuss more about Aptos and answer the community questions
Post your questions with the hashtag #PancakeAMA in this thread on twitter
Or submit your questions in this Google form:
Join us for an AMA with the Aptos team. 31 Oct 01:00 PM UTC. Twitter Space on @PancakeSwap.🐰📣🐰 Join us for an AMA with the Aptos team
⏰ 31 Oct 01:00 PM UTC
📍 Twitter Space on @PancakeSwap
🗨️ HC - Aptos ecosystem lead will join us to discuss more about Aptos and answer the community questions
Post your questions with the hashtag #PancakeAMA in this thread on twitter
Or submit your questions in this Google form: https://forms.gle/Pk35sEmTxe28dFfe6
28 Oct 2022, 06:04
🐨 Winners of Day 6️⃣ Week of Wombex: Memetic energy announced 🎉
👉 Winners:
🗨️ DM your PUBLIC wallet address (0x....) to Wombex on Twitter, Do NOT share your private keys with anyone on Twitter/Telegram.
Winners of Day Week of Wombex: Memetic energy announced. Winners:. DM your PUBLIC wallet address (0x.🐨 Winners of Day 6️⃣ Week of Wombex: Memetic energy announced 🎉
👉 Winners: https://twitter.com/WombexFinance/status/1585362176046292992?t=c4U_lz3PoNCy4wXYLU3bVA&s=19
🗨️ DM your PUBLIC wallet address (0x....) to Wombex on Twitter, Do NOT share your private keys with anyone on Twitter/Telegram.
27 Oct 2022, 12:17
27 Oct 2022, 12:00
Contrato MGP:
Contrato MGP:. 0xD06716E1Ff2E492Cc5034c2E81805562dd3b45fa.Contrato MGP:
27 Oct 2022, 10:58
🐧🐰 The Magpie #IFO is going LIVE in 1 hour (at 12:00 UTC)
🛍️ Visit IFO page to learn how to participate:
🥞 Don't forget to keep some separate amount of CAKE to participate in IFO Sale.
📖 Read the vote proposal to learn more:
- - - - - - -
- Please DO NOT edit your Profile (i) before the IFO finishes, and (ii) the unspent CAKE is claimed.
- No cheeky participation in Private Sale 😉
The Magpie #IFO is going LIVE in 1 hour (at 12:00 UTC). Visit IFO page to learn how to participate:.🐧🐰 The Magpie #IFO is going LIVE in 1 hour (at 12:00 UTC)
🛍️ Visit IFO page to learn how to participate:
🥞 Don't forget to keep some separate amount of CAKE to participate in IFO Sale.
📖 Read the vote proposal to learn more: https://bit.ly/3sqvV0m
- - - - - - -
- Please DO NOT edit your Profile (i) before the IFO finishes, and (ii) the unspent CAKE is claimed.
- No cheeky participation in Private Sale 😉
27 Oct 2022, 09:01
✨Vote for free✨
We have a new farm rewards adjustment proposal to vote on. Goal is to redirect rewards to high value, high performing farms and make room for upcoming new Syrup Pools!
👉 Vote now:
‼️Farm emissions will not be reduced, only redirected.
Vote for free. We have a new farm rewards adjustment proposal to vote on.✨Vote for free✨
We have a new farm rewards adjustment proposal to vote on. Goal is to redirect rewards to high value, high performing farms and make room for upcoming new Syrup Pools!
👉 Vote now: https://bit.ly/3zk2FvS
‼️Farm emissions will not be reduced, only redirected.
27 Oct 2022, 08:19
⏰ Старт
☕️ разница между публичным и private sale:
🌎 Публичная продажа открыта для всех кто закрыл саке, учитывается количество icake, и взимает минимум 0,5% от стоимости участия
🥞 Private sale доступен только для тех, у кого NFT Pancakesquad в профилe. Максимальный порог 1000$/
В обеих продажах используется метод переполнения, т.е чем больше вы вкладываете, тем больше вы получите! 💰
Оставшиеся средства (неизрасходованные) будут возвращены.
MAGPIE IFO. Старт. ️ разница между публичным и private sale:.MAGPIE IFO
⏰ https://bscscan.com/block/countdown/22539050 Старт
☕️ разница между публичным и private sale:
🌎 Публичная продажа открыта для всех кто закрыл саке, учитывается количество icake, и взимает минимум 0,5% от стоимости участия
🥞 Private sale доступен только для тех, у кого NFT Pancakesquad в профилe. Максимальный порог 1000$/
В обеих продажах используется метод переполнения, т.е чем больше вы вкладываете, тем больше вы получите! 💰
Оставшиеся средства (неизрасходованные) будут возвращены.
27 Oct 2022, 07:00
Missed the AMA with our next IFO project - Magpie?
👉 Check out the AMA recap:
⏰ Mark the IFO date: 27 Oct, 12:00 UTC!
🛍️ Check out the IFO page and learn how to participate: https://pancakeswap.finance/ifo
Missed the AMA with our next IFO project - Magpie. Check out the AMA recap:. Mark the IFO date: 27 Oct, 12:00 UTC.Missed the AMA with our next IFO project - Magpie?
👉 Check out the AMA recap: https://bit.ly/3FjCjhk
⏰ Mark the IFO date: 27 Oct, 12:00 UTC!
🛍️ Check out the IFO page and learn how to participate: https://pancakeswap.finance/ifo
27 Oct 2022, 05:59
🫡 ¡Llamando a todos los desarrolladores en Aptos!
🌱 Estamos haciendo un llamado para que todos los proyectos pongan su liquidez en PCS.
¿Por qué?
🥞 Estaremos incentivando a los mejores pares una vez que transfiramos nuestros incentivos CAKE a principios de noviembre y, por lo tanto, ¡los LP con un volumen orgánico significativo tendrán algunos APR agradables!
♻️ ¡También publicaremos en las redes sociales sobre los pares de alto rendimiento, lo que generará una mayor exposición y un hermoso efecto volante!
💎 Para obtener más detalles sobre nuestra implementación, consulta nuestros docs, o envía un mensaje directo (DM) a @PancakeIcy en Twitter
¡Llamando a todos los desarrolladores en Aptos.🫡 ¡Llamando a todos los desarrolladores en Aptos!
🌱 Estamos haciendo un llamado para que todos los proyectos pongan su liquidez en PCS.
¿Por qué?
🥞 Estaremos incentivando a los mejores pares una vez que transfiramos nuestros incentivos CAKE a principios de noviembre y, por lo tanto, ¡los LP con un volumen orgánico significativo tendrán algunos APR agradables!
♻️ ¡También publicaremos en las redes sociales sobre los pares de alto rendimiento, lo que generará una mayor exposición y un hermoso efecto volante!
💎 Para obtener más detalles sobre nuestra implementación, consulta nuestros docs, o envía un mensaje directo (DM) a @PancakeIcy en Twitter
27 Oct 2022, 04:21
🫡 Calling all Aptos Builders!
🌱 We’re making a call for all projects to seed their liquidity on PCS.
🥞 We’ll be incentivizing top-trading pairs once we port over our CAKE incentives in early-Nov, and thus LPs with significant organic volume will have some nice APRs!
♻️ We’ll also be publishing socials on top-performing pairs, so top-performing projects will be featured, leading to more exposure, and a lovely flywheel effect!
💎 For more details on our deployment check out our https://docs.pancakeswap.finance/aptos-deployment, or DM @PancakeIcy on Twitter
🔥 LFG 🔥
Calling all Aptos Builders. We're making a call for all projects to seed their liquidity on PCS.🫡 Calling all Aptos Builders!
🌱 We’re making a call for all projects to seed their liquidity on PCS.
🥞 We’ll be incentivizing top-trading pairs once we port over our CAKE incentives in early-Nov, and thus LPs with significant organic volume will have some nice APRs!
♻️ We’ll also be publishing socials on top-performing pairs, so top-performing projects will be featured, leading to more exposure, and a lovely flywheel effect!
💎 For more details on our deployment check out our https://docs.pancakeswap.finance/aptos-deployment, or DM @PancakeIcy on Twitter
🔥 LFG 🔥
26 Oct 2022, 19:20
🐨 Winners of Day 4️⃣ Week of Wombex: $WMX airdrop announced 🎉
👉 Check out the list of Winning addresses that received the $WMX airdrop:
Winners of Day Week of Wombex: $WMX airdrop announced. Check out the list of Winning addresses that received the $WMX airdrop:.🐨 Winners of Day 4️⃣ Week of Wombex: $WMX airdrop announced 🎉
👉 Check out the list of Winning addresses that received the $WMX airdrop: https://twitter.com/WombexFinance/status/1585290015701188609?t=Adb308FMPu_ScZJUYPNcKQ&s=19
26 Oct 2022, 15:47
🐰 Comunidad PancakeSwap, es hora de demostrar lo fuertes que somos
Apóyenos y gane de un pozo de premios de $10,000
✅ Retuitea el tuit original y sigue a @binance
✅ Comparte el hashtag #BinanceCAKE en twitter
✅ Cuéntanos por qué te encanta y por qué te sientes orgulloso de ser parte de PancakeSwap
👉 Más detalles:
Comunidad PancakeSwap, es hora de demostrar lo fuertes que somos. Apóyenos y gane de un pozo de premios de $10,000.🐰 Comunidad PancakeSwap, es hora de demostrar lo fuertes que somos
Apóyenos y gane de un pozo de premios de $10,000
✅ Retuitea el tuit original y sigue a @binance
✅ Comparte el hashtag #BinanceCAKE en twitter
✅ Cuéntanos por qué te encanta y por qué te sientes orgulloso de ser parte de PancakeSwap
👉 Más detalles: https://twitter.com/binance/status/1582688406249013249?t=v4NuCvRT_sfhdNBrq1eKRA&s=19
26 Oct 2022, 15:22
🐧 Day 2️⃣ of 7️⃣- day Week of Magpie: WOM UP Party 🥳
🔁 Retweet the original tweet and mint the IFO Week OAT on Galxe.
How to mint OAT on Galxe? 👉 Complete all the tasks on Galxe:
🎁 600 lucky winners will share 3,000 $HAY
Day of - day Week of Magpie: WOM UP Party. Retweet the original tweet and mint the IFO Week OAT on Galxe.🐧 Day 2️⃣ of 7️⃣- day Week of Magpie: WOM UP Party 🥳
🔁 Retweet the original tweet and mint the IFO Week OAT on Galxe.
How to mint OAT on Galxe? 👉 Complete all the tasks on Galxe: https://galxe.com/magpiexyz/campaign/GCrewUw79d
🎁 600 lucky winners will share 3,000 $HAY