Due to scheduled maintenance by The Graph on May 22 2023, 05:00-10:00 UTC, subgraphs may be unqueryable.
22 May 2023, 02:02
📢 Due to scheduled maintenance by The Graph on May 22 2023, 05:00-10:00 UTC, subgraphs may be unqueryable
🛠️ As a result, there might be delays in data updates or performance drops on some PancakeSwap products during this period
🙏 We appreciate your understanding and patience
Same news in other sources
1723 May 2023, 14:12
💰¡Los 3 primeros ganadores se llevarán $50 cada uno en $PSTAKE!
🎭 Comenta con un meme original sobre @pStakeFinance y @PancakeSwap
❤️ Me gusta y RT este tweet
☑️ Sigue a @PancakeSwap, @pStakeFinance y @pSTAKE_stkBNB
⚖️ Jueces: pStake
⏳ Antes del 28 de mayo de 2023, 12:00 UTC
¡Los 3 primeros ganadores se llevarán $50 cada uno en $PSTAKE. Comenta con un meme original sobre @pStakeFinance y @PancakeSwap.
💰¡Los 3 primeros ganadores se llevarán $50 cada uno en $PSTAKE!
🎭 Comenta con un meme original sobre @pStakeFinance y @PancakeSwap
❤️ Me gusta y RT este tweet
☑️ Sigue a @PancakeSwap, @pStakeFinance y @pSTAKE_stkBNB
⚖️ Jueces: pStake
⏳ Antes del 28 de mayo de 2023, 12:00 UTC
23 May 2023, 14:05
💰Top 3 winners will win $50 each in $PSTAKE!
🎭 Comment w/ an original meme about @pStakeFinance & @PancakeSwap
❤️ Like & RT this tweet
☑️ Follow @PancakeSwap, @pStakeFinance & @pSTAKE_stkBNB
⚖️ Judges: pStake meme connoisseurs
⏳ By 28 May 2023, 12:00 UTC
MEME COMPETITION. Top 3 winners will win $50 each in $PSTAKE. Comment w/ an original meme about @pStakeFinance & @PancakeSwap.
💰Top 3 winners will win $50 each in $PSTAKE!
🎭 Comment w/ an original meme about @pStakeFinance & @PancakeSwap
❤️ Like & RT this tweet
☑️ Follow @PancakeSwap, @pStakeFinance & @pSTAKE_stkBNB
⚖️ Judges: pStake meme connoisseurs
⏳ By 28 May 2023, 12:00 UTC
23 May 2023, 08:27
🚨 Estimada comunidad de PancakeSwap, su seguridad es nuestra máxima prioridad. Queremos llamar su atención sobre los siguientes puntos esenciales:
1. ⚠️¡Cuidado con el token "1"! Ha sido marcado como un activo de alto riesgo. Por su propia seguridad, les recomendamos encarecidamente que no lo intercambien. Además, tengan cuidado al operar con otros activos, ya que hemos notado varios activos que pueden estar creando volúmenes de Trading artificiales. ¡Manténganse alerta y protejan sus activos!
2. 📈La Cocina ha detectado patrones de trading anormales basados en datos en red. Hemos observado que el capital inicial desplegado para abrir el Pool para "1" fue muy pequeño, y hemos notado transacciones en bloque de $400k comprando y vendiendo de un lado a otro. Estas actividades plantean preocupaciones sobre la legitimidad del volumen de negociación. Confíe en datos precisos para tomar decisiones bien informados.
🛡️ ¡Tu seguridad nos importa! Manténganse informados, sean cautelosos y operen sabiamente. Si encuentras alguna actividad sospechosa o tienes inquietudes, informa a nuestro equipo de inmediato.
Estimada comunidad de PancakeSwap, su seguridad es nuestra máxima prioridad.
🚨 Estimada comunidad de PancakeSwap, su seguridad es nuestra máxima prioridad. Queremos llamar su atención sobre los siguientes puntos esenciales:
1. ⚠️¡Cuidado con el token "1"! Ha sido marcado como un activo de alto riesgo. Por su propia seguridad, les recomendamos encarecidamente que no lo intercambien. Además, tengan cuidado al operar con otros activos, ya que hemos notado varios activos que pueden estar creando volúmenes de Trading artificiales. ¡Manténganse alerta y protejan sus activos!
2. 📈La Cocina ha detectado patrones de trading anormales basados en datos en red. Hemos observado que el capital inicial desplegado para abrir el Pool para "1" fue muy pequeño, y hemos notado transacciones en bloque de $400k comprando y vendiendo de un lado a otro. Estas actividades plantean preocupaciones sobre la legitimidad del volumen de negociación. Confíe en datos precisos para tomar decisiones bien informados.
🛡️ ¡Tu seguridad nos importa! Manténganse informados, sean cautelosos y operen sabiamente. Si encuentras alguna actividad sospechosa o tienes inquietudes, informa a nuestro equipo de inmediato.
23 May 2023, 08:23
🚨 Dear PancakeSwap Community, your safety is our utmost priority. We want to bring your attention to the following essential points:
1. ⚠️Beware of the "1" token! It has been flagged as a high-risk asset. For your own safety, we strongly advise against trading it. Also, please exercise caution when trading other assets, as we have noticed several assets that may be creating artificial trading volumes. Stay vigilant and protect your assets!
2. 📈Our Kitchen has detected abnormal trading patterns based on on-chain data. We have observed that the initial capital deployed to open the pool for "1" was very little, and we have noticed $400k block trades buying and selling back and forth. These activities raise concerns about the legitimacy of the trading volume. Please rely on accurate data to make informed decisions.
🛡️ Your security matters to us! Stay informed, be cautious, and trade wisely. If you encounter any suspicious activities or have concerns, please report them to our team immediately
Dear PancakeSwap Community, your safety is our utmost priority.
🚨 Dear PancakeSwap Community, your safety is our utmost priority. We want to bring your attention to the following essential points:
1. ⚠️Beware of the "1" token! It has been flagged as a high-risk asset. For your own safety, we strongly advise against trading it. Also, please exercise caution when trading other assets, as we have noticed several assets that may be creating artificial trading volumes. Stay vigilant and protect your assets!
2. 📈Our Kitchen has detected abnormal trading patterns based on on-chain data. We have observed that the initial capital deployed to open the pool for "1" was very little, and we have noticed $400k block trades buying and selling back and forth. These activities raise concerns about the legitimacy of the trading volume. Please rely on accurate data to make informed decisions.
🛡️ Your security matters to us! Stay informed, be cautious, and trade wisely. If you encounter any suspicious activities or have concerns, please report them to our team immediately
23 May 2023, 08:22
🚨 Dear PancakeSwap Community, your safety is our utmost priority. We want to bring your attention to the following:
1. ⚠️Beware of the token named "1"! It has been flagged as a high-risk asset. For your own safety, we strongly advise against trading it. Also, please exercise caution when trading other assets, as we have noticed several assets that may be creating artificial trading volumes. Stay vigilant and protect your assets!
2. 📈Our Kitchen has detected abnormal trading patterns based on on-chain data. We have observed that the initial capital deployed to open the pool for "1" was very little, and we have noticed $400k block trades buying and selling back and forth. These activities raise concerns about the legitimacy of the trading volume. Please rely on accurate data to make informed decisions.
🛡️ Your security matters to us! Stay informed, be cautious, and trade wisely. If you encounter any suspicious activities or have concerns, please report them to our team immediately
Dear PancakeSwap Community, your safety is our utmost priority. We want to bring your attention to the following:.
🚨 Dear PancakeSwap Community, your safety is our utmost priority. We want to bring your attention to the following:
1. ⚠️Beware of the token named "1"! It has been flagged as a high-risk asset. For your own safety, we strongly advise against trading it. Also, please exercise caution when trading other assets, as we have noticed several assets that may be creating artificial trading volumes. Stay vigilant and protect your assets!
2. 📈Our Kitchen has detected abnormal trading patterns based on on-chain data. We have observed that the initial capital deployed to open the pool for "1" was very little, and we have noticed $400k block trades buying and selling back and forth. These activities raise concerns about the legitimacy of the trading volume. Please rely on accurate data to make informed decisions.
🛡️ Your security matters to us! Stay informed, be cautious, and trade wisely. If you encounter any suspicious activities or have concerns, please report them to our team immediately
23 May 2023, 07:57
🎮 ¿Listos para un desafío? ¡Conecta tu billetera BSC y salta a Pancake Protectors en http://protectors.pancakeswap.finance!
🎖Únete a nosotros en la arena o en el gráfico de héroes durante nuestra fase beta. ¡Los 200 mejores jugadores ganan CAKE y Mini MOBalls🎁! Los 5 mejores obtienen una caja de regalo NFT extra especial 🎉.
🥞 ¿No estás seguro de dónde encontrar tu ranking? ¡Te guiaremos! https://blog.pancakeswap.finance/articles/presentamos-pancake-protectors-unete-a-la-semana-beta
¿Listos para un desafío. ¡Conecta tu billetera BSC y salta a Pancake Protectors en .
🎮 ¿Listos para un desafío? ¡Conecta tu billetera BSC y salta a Pancake Protectors en http://protectors.pancakeswap.finance!
🎖Únete a nosotros en la arena o en el gráfico de héroes durante nuestra fase beta. ¡Los 200 mejores jugadores ganan CAKE y Mini MOBalls🎁! Los 5 mejores obtienen una caja de regalo NFT extra especial 🎉.
🥞 ¿No estás seguro de dónde encontrar tu ranking? ¡Te guiaremos! https://blog.pancakeswap.finance/articles/presentamos-pancake-protectors-unete-a-la-semana-beta
23 May 2023, 07:53
🎮 Up for a challenge? Connect your wallet and jump into Pancake Protectors at protectors.pancakeswap.finance!
🎖Join us in the Arena or Hero Chart during our beta phase. The top 200 players will win CAKE and Mini MOBalls🎁! The top 5 will get an extra-special NFT Gift Box 🎉!
🥞 Not sure where to find your ranking? We'll guide you! https://blog.pancakeswap.finance/articles/introducing-pancake-protectors-join-the-ultimate-beta-week
Up for a challenge. Connect your wallet and jump into Pancake Protectors at protectors. pancakeswap. finance.
🎮 Up for a challenge? Connect your wallet and jump into Pancake Protectors at protectors.pancakeswap.finance!
🎖Join us in the Arena or Hero Chart during our beta phase. The top 200 players will win CAKE and Mini MOBalls🎁! The top 5 will get an extra-special NFT Gift Box 🎉!
🥞 Not sure where to find your ranking? We'll guide you! https://blog.pancakeswap.finance/articles/introducing-pancake-protectors-join-the-ultimate-beta-week
23 May 2023, 07:51
Hi gamers! Do you know how to find your score on leaderboards?
You can find them in the "Ranking" section!
To be the top players on Arena (Competitive Ranking Board) or Hero Chart (Consumption Ranking Board), you have to strive for victory in the Arena Challenges to earn Arena Stars; your leaderboard position improves as you get more stars. Meanwhile, expanding your collection of heroes will increase your hero points, which in turn boosts your standing on the Hero Leaderboard.
Read the FAQ:
Hi gamers. Do you know how to find your score on leaderboards. You can find them in the "Ranking" section.
Hi gamers! Do you know how to find your score on leaderboards?
You can find them in the "Ranking" section!
To be the top players on Arena (Competitive Ranking Board) or Hero Chart (Consumption Ranking Board), you have to strive for victory in the Arena Challenges to earn Arena Stars; your leaderboard position improves as you get more stars. Meanwhile, expanding your collection of heroes will increase your hero points, which in turn boosts your standing on the Hero Leaderboard.
Read the FAQ:
23 May 2023, 06:37
🎉 ¡El programa de recompensas de Trading en #PancakeSwapv3 ya está disponible! No pierdas la oportunidad de ganar hasta un 5% de reembolso en los Trading Fees en CAKE. Activa tu perfil Pancake, comienza a hacer Stake y deja que lleguen las recompensas. ¡El tiempo corre! ⏰
📅Periodo de la campaña: 18 de mayo UTC 08:00 - 20 de junio UTC 00:00
📈Verifica todos los pares elegibles: 👉 https://pancakeswap.finance/trading-reward#rewards-breakdown
🤔Detalles aquí: https://blog.pancakeswap.finance/articles/presentamos-nuestro-programa-de-recompensas-de-trading-obten-hasta-un-5-de-reembolso-en-cake-y-disfruta-de-los-fees-mas-bajos-en-el-espacio-dex
📒Guía paso a paso: https://docs.pancakeswap.finance/v/espanol/productos/recompensas-de-trading/como-participar
¡El programa de recompensas de Trading en #PancakeSwapv3 ya está disponible.
🎉 ¡El programa de recompensas de Trading en #PancakeSwapv3 ya está disponible! No pierdas la oportunidad de ganar hasta un 5% de reembolso en los Trading Fees en CAKE. Activa tu perfil Pancake, comienza a hacer Stake y deja que lleguen las recompensas. ¡El tiempo corre! ⏰
📅Periodo de la campaña: 18 de mayo UTC 08:00 - 20 de junio UTC 00:00
📈Verifica todos los pares elegibles: 👉 https://pancakeswap.finance/trading-reward#rewards-breakdown
🤔Detalles aquí: https://blog.pancakeswap.finance/articles/presentamos-nuestro-programa-de-recompensas-de-trading-obten-hasta-un-5-de-reembolso-en-cake-y-disfruta-de-los-fees-mas-bajos-en-el-espacio-dex
📒Guía paso a paso: https://docs.pancakeswap.finance/v/espanol/productos/recompensas-de-trading/como-participar
23 May 2023, 04:11
🎉The Trading Reward Program on #PancakeSwapv3 is live now! Don't miss your chance to earn up to 5% trading fee rebates in CAKE. Activate your Pancake Profile, start staking, and let the rewards roll in. Time is ticking! ⏰
📅Campaign period: 18 May UTC 08:00 - 20 June UTC 00:00
📈Check all eligible pairs: 👉 https://pancakeswap.finance/trading-reward#rewards-breakdown
🤔Details here: https://blog.pancakeswap.finance/articles/introducing-our-trading-reward-program-earn-up-to-5-cake-rebates-and-enjoy-lowest-fees-in-the-dex-space
📒Step by step guide: https://docs.pancakeswap.finance/products/trading-reward/how-to-participate"
The Trading Reward Program on #PancakeSwapv3 is live now. Don't miss your chance to earn up to 5% trading fee rebates in CAKE.
🎉The Trading Reward Program on #PancakeSwapv3 is live now! Don't miss your chance to earn up to 5% trading fee rebates in CAKE. Activate your Pancake Profile, start staking, and let the rewards roll in. Time is ticking! ⏰
📅Campaign period: 18 May UTC 08:00 - 20 June UTC 00:00
📈Check all eligible pairs: 👉 https://pancakeswap.finance/trading-reward#rewards-breakdown
🤔Details here: https://blog.pancakeswap.finance/articles/introducing-our-trading-reward-program-earn-up-to-5-cake-rebates-and-enjoy-lowest-fees-in-the-dex-space
📒Step by step guide: https://docs.pancakeswap.finance/products/trading-reward/how-to-participate"
22 May 2023, 15:00
📢 Actualización de emisiones de Farms: Para garantizar una transición ordenada de v2 a v3, las emisiones de Farms v2 se ajustaron en la red BNB de 0,3 CAKE/bloque a 0,2 CAKE/bloque, según la propuesta de votación original. Las emisiones de los Farms V3 siguen siendo las mismas que la semana pasada.
🔗 Mira la propuesta aquí: https://pancakeswap.finance/voting/proposal/0x367af4eddf693f76cdfd59691e7d100cb23053a8c5f7c34c5318789bfeeb6932
🥞 Este ajuste jugará un papel importante para ayudar a CAKE a lograr un estado deflacionario y facilitar nuestra migración sin problemas a v3.
Como mencionó Chef Mochi, se planean más reducciones y la comunidad votará pronto:
Actualización de emisiones de Farms: Para garantizar una transición ordenada de v2 a v3, las emisiones de Farms v2 se ajustaron
📢 Actualización de emisiones de Farms: Para garantizar una transición ordenada de v2 a v3, las emisiones de Farms v2 se ajustaron en la red BNB de 0,3 CAKE/bloque a 0,2 CAKE/bloque, según la propuesta de votación original. Las emisiones de los Farms V3 siguen siendo las mismas que la semana pasada.
🔗 Mira la propuesta aquí: https://pancakeswap.finance/voting/proposal/0x367af4eddf693f76cdfd59691e7d100cb23053a8c5f7c34c5318789bfeeb6932
🥞 Este ajuste jugará un papel importante para ayudar a CAKE a lograr un estado deflacionario y facilitar nuestra migración sin problemas a v3.
Como mencionó Chef Mochi, se planean más reducciones y la comunidad votará pronto: https://twitter.com/chef_mochi/status/1659515343260512256?s=46&t=aXKVgL14wEQJfhErdLvIKg
22 May 2023, 14:54
📢 Farm Emissions Update: To ensure an orderly transition from v2 to v3, v2 farm emissions have been adjusted on BNB Chain from 0.3 CAKE/block to 0.2 CAKE/block, per the original voting proposal. V3 farm emissions remain the same as last week.
🔗 Check out the proposal here: https://pancakeswap.finance/voting/proposal/0x367af4eddf693f76cdfd59691e7d100cb23053a8c5f7c34c5318789bfeeb6932
🥞 This adjustment will play a significant role in helping CAKE achieve deflationary status and facilitate our smooth migration to v3. As Chef Mochi mentioned, more reductions are planned and will be voted on by the community soon:
Farm Emissions Update: To ensure an orderly transition from v2 to v3, v2 farm emissions have been adjusted on BNB Chain from 0.
📢 Farm Emissions Update: To ensure an orderly transition from v2 to v3, v2 farm emissions have been adjusted on BNB Chain from 0.3 CAKE/block to 0.2 CAKE/block, per the original voting proposal. V3 farm emissions remain the same as last week.
🔗 Check out the proposal here: https://pancakeswap.finance/voting/proposal/0x367af4eddf693f76cdfd59691e7d100cb23053a8c5f7c34c5318789bfeeb6932
🥞 This adjustment will play a significant role in helping CAKE achieve deflationary status and facilitate our smooth migration to v3. As Chef Mochi mentioned, more reductions are planned and will be voted on by the community soon: https://twitter.com/chef_mochi/status/1659515343260512256?s=46&t=aXKVgL14wEQJfhErdLvIKg
22 May 2023, 14:30
PancakeSwap telegram news 22 May 2023 14:30
22 May 2023, 13:34
🔥 We've just burned 8,043,534 $CAKE, that's $15M!
👀 Starting this week, we're separating the Trading Fees from (V2 and Perpetual) and V3 to provide better transparency and understanding for our community.
💰 Trading fees (V2 and Perpetual): 286k CAKE ($519k)🔻-51%
💰 Trading fees (V3): 34k CAKE ($63k)
🔮 Prediction: 113k CAKE ($206k) 🔺+8%
🎟️ Lottery&Pottery: 25k CAKE ($46k) 🔻-34%
🔒 NFT Market, Profile & Factory: 940 CAKE ($2k) 🔺+11%
📈 It's important to note that the drop in Trading fees (V2 and Perpetual) is primarily due to the burn from the previous week, which included accumulated costs from the last 6 weeks of V3 trading.
*% change from last week is in CAKE
🔥🔥🔥 Proof of burn:
We've just burned 8,043,534 $CAKE, that's $15M.
🔥 We've just burned 8,043,534 $CAKE, that's $15M!
👀 Starting this week, we're separating the Trading Fees from (V2 and Perpetual) and V3 to provide better transparency and understanding for our community.
💰 Trading fees (V2 and Perpetual): 286k CAKE ($519k)🔻-51%
💰 Trading fees (V3): 34k CAKE ($63k)
🔮 Prediction: 113k CAKE ($206k) 🔺+8%
🎟️ Lottery&Pottery: 25k CAKE ($46k) 🔻-34%
🔒 NFT Market, Profile & Factory: 940 CAKE ($2k) 🔺+11%
📈 It's important to note that the drop in Trading fees (V2 and Perpetual) is primarily due to the burn from the previous week, which included accumulated costs from the last 6 weeks of V3 trading.
*% change from last week is in CAKE
🔥🔥🔥 Proof of burn:
22 May 2023, 12:44
🥞 ¡El Farm de Pepe v3 ya está disponible en BSC PancakeSwap!
🧑🌾 Deposita $PEPE-USDT (nivel de fees del 0,25 %) para ganar $CAKE aquí: https://pancakeswap.finance/farms?chain=bsc
❗$PEPE es un token altamente volátil, haga su propia investigación
¡El Farm de Pepe v3 ya está disponible en BSC PancakeSwap.
🥞 ¡El Farm de Pepe v3 ya está disponible en BSC PancakeSwap!
🧑🌾 Deposita $PEPE-USDT (nivel de fees del 0,25 %) para ganar $CAKE aquí: https://pancakeswap.finance/farms?chain=bsc
❗$PEPE es un token altamente volátil, haga su propia investigación
22 May 2023, 11:37
🎉 4 DAYS left! The adrenaline is PUMPING for Pancake Protectors' beta week! 🎉
🥞 Use your CAKE tokens, power up, climb the leaderboard, and grab the prizes!
🚀 Join NOW: protectors.pancakeswap.finance
🎬 Get hyped with our game video:
🗞️ Dive into the details: https://blog.pancakeswap.finance/articles/introducing-pancake-protectors-join-the-ultimate-beta-week
🔍 If you find any bugs, submit them in this form:
4 DAYS left. The adrenaline is PUMPING for Pancake Protectors' beta week.
🎉 4 DAYS left! The adrenaline is PUMPING for Pancake Protectors' beta week! 🎉
🥞 Use your CAKE tokens, power up, climb the leaderboard, and grab the prizes!
🚀 Join NOW: protectors.pancakeswap.finance
🎬 Get hyped with our game video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BiCMLjsqRfw
🗞️ Dive into the details: https://blog.pancakeswap.finance/articles/introducing-pancake-protectors-join-the-ultimate-beta-week
🔍 If you find any bugs, submit them in this form: https://forms.gle/hyRJ2pRKnRxK6rE48
22 May 2023, 02:53
📢 Debido al mantenimiento programado por The Graph el 22 de mayo de 2023, de 05:00 a 10:00 UTC, es posible que no se puedan consultar los subgráficos
🛠️ Como resultado, puede haber retrasos en las actualizaciones de datos o caídas en el rendimiento de algunos productos de PancakeSwap durante este período.
🙏 Agradecemos su comprensión y paciencia
Debido al mantenimiento programado por The Graph el 22 de mayo de 2023, de 05:00 a 10:00 UTC, es posible que no se puedan consul
📢 Debido al mantenimiento programado por The Graph el 22 de mayo de 2023, de 05:00 a 10:00 UTC, es posible que no se puedan consultar los subgráficos
🛠️ Como resultado, puede haber retrasos en las actualizaciones de datos o caídas en el rendimiento de algunos productos de PancakeSwap durante este período.
🙏 Agradecemos su comprensión y paciencia